Product Quality

Our Ingredients

As much as nutrition is our daily life necessity, we also love to enjoy good food. That's why at Tortilla Casa restaurants, we always serve fresh, delicious, and hearty meals.

Our commitment is not to sell a product that is not absolutely fresh. The food preparation process in our restaurants happens in front of your eyes, and the unique combination of always fresh, high-quality ingredients guarantees the satisfaction of every guest.

The food we serve is prepared carefully and with quality, and created with love. As true hosts, we select only the best ingredients for you and ensure that you always find a wide selection at Tortilla Casa restaurants.

Meal Quality

Tortilla Casa uses only products and ingredients that meet the highest standards of quality and safety, in compliance with the legislation and standards of the Republic of Serbia.

All ingredients used in our products undergo very detailed and strict safety analyses and inspections.

All employees are trained to ensure the quality and safety of food, and the procedures are strictly followed. Processes and ingredient quality are regularly checked throughout the system.

Simpleteam complies with the laws and regulations of the Republic of Serbia and adheres strictly to them. Our suppliers must adhere to ISO standards and possess HACCP certifications.

Social Responsibility

Tortilla Casa is committed to true values and aims to be a good neighbor and partner in every city where we have a restaurant.

We are focused on family values, which is why a large part of our efforts is directed towards working with children and assisting little ones in hospitals, kindergartens, and special institutions. In Tortilla Casa restaurants, there are donation boxes for collecting contributions, and thanks to the goodwill of our guests, we gather money for those in greatest need. The money from the donation boxes goes to the Children’s Village 'Milorad Pavić' in Sremska Kamenica, and in Belgrade, we cooperate with the 'Nurdor' association.


We take food quality seriously and set high standards both internally within the company and for our suppliers, who play a significant role in our success by delivering the highest quality products at competitive prices.

Together with our suppliers, the company creates new products and strives to provide our customers with a recognizable and irresistible taste that is consistent across all our restaurants.

Environmental Protection

Tortilla Casa maintains high standards in environmental protection and restaurant cleanliness. Our restaurants are thoroughly cleaned daily, and our staff also cleans the broader area around the restaurant, contributing to environmental protection and presenting our company in a positive light.


TOrtilla Casa